Installing the SDK

Instructions for installing the SDK are language specific.


The Go SDK supports Go modules and requires Go 1.12 or later. To use the SDK, import this package into your application:

import ""


The Python SDK depends on Python >= 3.5. You may use pip to perform a system-wide install, or use virtualenv for a local install.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "git+"


The C# SDK utilizes the NuGet package manager. The package is called Cubic-SDK, under the owners name of CobaltSpeech.

NuGet allows 4 different ways to install. Further instructions can be found on the nuget webpage. Installing via the dotnet cli through the command:

dotnet add package Cubic-SDK



The Cubic SDK is published to the jitpack repository. To build using Maven, add the following to your project’s pom.xml file:

  1. Add jitpack to repository list
  1. Add Cubic as a dependency
  1. You should then be able to build your project with mvn package


From Source code

Building for Android requires more steps, so it is described on the Android Integrations page.


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding swift-cubic as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.6.1"))