Cubic allows users to send context information with a recognition request which
may aid the speech recognition. For example, if you have a list of names that
you want to make sure the Cubic model transcribes correctly, with the correct
spelling, then you may provide the list in the form of a
object along with the RecognitionConfig
before streaming data.
Cubic models allow different sets of “context tokens” each of which can be paired with a list of words or phrases. For example, a Cubic model may have a context token for airport names, and you can provide a list of airport names you want to be recognized correctly for this context token. Likewise, models may also be configured with tokens for “contact list names”, “menu items”, “medical jargon” etc.
To ensure that there is no added latency in processing the list of words or
phrases during a recognition request, we have a API method called
allows the user to compile the list into a compact, efficient format for
passing to the Recognize()
or StreamingRecognize()
We have several examples in different langagues below showing you how to compile context data and send it during a recognition request.
package main
import (
func main() {
// creating client without TLS. Remove WithInsecure() if using TLS
serverAddr := ""
client, err := cubic.NewClient(serverAddr, cubic.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
// Get list of available models
modelResp, err := client.ListModels(context.Background())
if err != nil {
for _, m := range modelResp.Models {
fmt.Printf("\nID = %v, Name = %v, Supports Context = %v\n",
m.Id, m.Name, m.Attributes.ContextInfo.SupportsContext)
// printing allowed context tokens
if m.Attributes.ContextInfo.SupportsContext {
fmt.Printf("Allowed Context Tokens = %v\n\n",
strings.Join(m.Attributes.ContextInfo.AllowedContextTokens, ", "))
// Assuming the first model supports context
model := modelResp.Models[0]
// Let's say this model has an allowed context token called "airport_names" and
// we have a list of airport names that we want to make sure the recognizer gets
// right. We compile the list of names using the CompileContext(), save the compiled
// data and send it back with subsequent recognize requests to customize and improve the results.
// a small example list
contextToken := model.Attributes.ContextInfo.AllowedContextTokens[0] // "airport_names"
// sending request to server
compiledResp, err := client.CompileContext(
context.Background(), model.Id, contextToken, phrases, nil)
if err != nil {
// saving the compiled result for later use; note this compiled data is only
// compatible with the model whose ID was provided in the CompileContext call
compiledContexts := make([]*cubicpb.CompiledContext, 0)
compiledContexts = append(compiledContexts, compiledResp.Context)
// Now we can send a recognize request along with the compiled context. The
// context data is provided through the recognition config as a list of compiled
// contexts (i.e. we can provide more than one compiled context if the model
// supports more than one context token).
cfg := &cubicpb.RecognitionConfig{
ModelId: model.Id,
AudioEncoding: cubicpb.RecognitionConfig_WAV,
Context: &cubicpb.RecognitionContext{Compiled: compiledContexts},
// The rest is the same as a usual streaming recognize request
// open audio file stream
f, err := os.Open("test.wav")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
// define a callback function to handle results
resultHandler := func(resp *cubicpb.RecognitionResponse) {
for _, r := range resp.Results {
if !r.IsPartial {
err = client.StreamingRecognize(context.Background(), cfg, f, resultHandler)
if err != nil {
import cubic
# set insecure to False if server uses TLS
serverAddress = ''
client = cubic.Client(serverAddress, insecure=True)
# Get list of available models
modelResp = client.ListModels()
for m in modelResp.models:
print("\nID = {}, Name = {}, Supports Context = {}".format(,, m.attributes.context_info.supports_context))
if m.attributes.context_info.supports_context:
# printing allowed context tokens
print("Allowed context tokens = {}\n".format(
# Assuming the first model supports context
model = modelResp.models[0]
# Let's say this model has an allowed context token called "airport_names" and
# we have a list of airport names that we want to make sure the recognizer gets
# right. We compile the list of names using the CompileContext(), save the compiled
# data and send it back with subsequent recognize requests to customize and improve the results.
# a small example list
contextToken = model.attributes.context_info.allowed_context_tokens[0] # "airport_names"
# sending request to server
compiledResp = client.CompileContext(, contextToken, phrases)
# saving the compiled result for later use; note this compiled data is only
# compatible with the model whose ID was provided in the CompileContext call
compiledContexts = []
# Now we can send a recognize request along with the compiled context. The
# context data is provided through the recognition config as a list of compiled
# contexts (i.e. we can provide more than one compiled context if the model
# supports more than one context token).
cfg = cubic.RecognitionConfig(,
# The rest is the same as a usual streaming recognize request
# open audio file stream
audio = open('test.wav', 'rb')
# send streaming request to cubic and print out results as they come in
for resp in client.StreamingRecognize(cfg, audio):
for result in resp.results:
if result.is_partial:
print("\r{0}".format(result.alternatives[0].transcript), end="")
print("\r{0}".format(result.alternatives[0].transcript), end="\n")
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Grpc.Core;
namespace CubicRecognitionContextExample {
class Program {
static async Task Main(string[] args) {
// set creds = new Grpc.Core.SslCredentials(); if using TLS
var serverAddress = "";
var creds = Grpc.Core.ChannelCredentials.Insecure;
// Initialize a gRPC connection
var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(serverAddress, creds);
var client = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.Cubic.CubicClient(channel);
// Get list of available models
var listModelsRequest = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.ListModelsRequest();
var modelResp = client.ListModels(listModelsRequest);
foreach (var m in modelResp.Models) {
Console.WriteLine("\nID = {0}, Name = {1}, Supports Context = {2}",
m.Id, m.Name, m.Attributes.ContextInfo.SupportsContext);
// printing allowed context tokens
if (m.Attributes.ContextInfo.SupportsContext) {
Console.WriteLine("Allowed Context Tokens = {0}\n",
// Assuming the first model supports context
var model = modelResp.Models[0];
// Let's say this model has an allowed context token called "airport_names" and
// we have a list of airport names that we want to make sure the recognizer gets
// right. We compile the list of names using the CompileContext(), save the compiled
// data and send it back with subsequent recognize requests to customize and improve the results.
// a small example list
string contextToken = model.Attributes.ContextInfo.AllowedContextTokens[0]; // "airport_names"
// create compile context request
var compileRequest = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.CompileContextRequest {
ModelId = model.Id,
Token = contextToken,
// put phrases into an compileRequest.Phrases
foreach (var phrase in phrases) {
new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.ContextPhrase {
Text = phrase,
// send request to server
var compiledResp = client.CompileContext(compileRequest);
// saving the compiled result for later use; note this compiled data is only
// compatible with the model whose ID was provided in the CompileContext call
var compiledContexts = new List<CobaltSpeech.Cubic.CompiledContext>();
// Now we can send a recognize request along with the compiled context. The
// context data is provided through the recognition config as a list of compiled
// contexts (i.e. we can provide more than one compiled context if the model
// supports more than one context token).
var cfg = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.RecognitionConfig {
ModelId = model.Id,
AudioEncoding = CobaltSpeech.Cubic.RecognitionConfig.Types.Encoding.Wav,
Context = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.RecognitionContext(),
foreach (var ctx in compiledContexts) {
// The rest is the same as a usual streaming recognize request
string audioPath = "test.wav";
// Setup the bi-directional gRPC stream.
var call = client.StreamingRecognize();
using(call) {
// Setup recieve task
var responseReaderTask = Task.Run(async() => {
// Wait for the next response
while (await call.ResponseStream.MoveNext()) {
var response = call.ResponseStream.Current;
foreach (var result in response.Results) {
// Send config first, followed by the audio
// Send the configs
var request = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.StreamingRecognizeRequest();
request.Config = cfg;
await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(request);
// Setup object for streaming audio
request.Config = null;
request.Audio = new CobaltSpeech.Cubic.RecognitionAudio { };
// Send the audio, in 8kb chunks
const int chunkSize = 8192;
using(FileStream file = File.OpenRead(audioPath)) {
int bytesRead;
var buffer = new byte[chunkSize];
while ((bytesRead = file.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) {
var bytes = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFrom(buffer.Take(bytesRead).ToArray());
request.Audio.Data = bytes;
await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(request);
// Close the sending stream
await call.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();
// Wait for all of the responses to come back through the receiving stream
await responseReaderTask;
import Foundation
import Cubic
class CubicExample {
// set useTLS to true if using TLS
let client = Client(host: "", port: 2727, useTLS: false)
var config = Cobaltspeech_Cubic_RecognitionConfig()
let fileName = "test.wav"
let chunkSize = 8192
public init() {
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
var model: Cobaltspeech_Cubic_Model!
client.listModels(success: { (models) in
guard let models = models else { return }
for model in models {
print("\nID = \(, Name = \(, Supports Context = \(model.attributes.contextInfo.supportsContext)")
// printing allowed context tokens
if model.attributes.contextInfo.supportsContext {
print("Allowed Context Tokens = \(model.attributes.contextInfo.allowedContextTokens)\n")
// Assuming the first model supports context
if let firstModel = models.first {
model = firstModel
} else {
}) { (error) in
// Let's say this model has an allowed context token called "airport_names" and
// we have a list of airport names that we want to make sure the recognizer gets
// right. We compile the list of names using the CompileContext(), save the compiled
// data and send it back with subsequent recognize requests to customize and improve the results.
// a small example list
let contextToken = model.attributes.contextInfo.allowedContextTokens[0] // "airport_names"
// create compile context request
var compileRequest = Cobaltspeech_Cubic_CompileContextRequest()
compileRequest.modelID =
compileRequest.token = contextToken
// put phrases into an compileRequest.Phrases
for phrase in phrases {
var contextPhrase = Cobaltspeech_Cubic_ContextPhrase()
contextPhrase.text = phrase
// send request to server
var compiledContexts: [Cobaltspeech_Cubic_CompiledContext] = []
self.client.compileContext(compileRequest).response.whenComplete { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
// saving the compiled result for later use; note this compiled data is only
// compatible with the model whose ID was provided in the CompileContext call
case .failure(let error):
// Now we can send a recognize request along with the compiled context. The
// context data is provided through the recognition config as a list of compiled
// contexts (i.e. we can provide more than one compiled context if the model
// supports more than one context token).
self.config.modelID =
self.config.audioEncoding = .wav
self.config.context = Cobaltspeech_Cubic_RecognitionContext()
self.config.context.compiled.append(contentsOf: compiledContexts)
// The rest is the same as a usual streaming recognize request
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: self.fileName)
guard let audioData = try? Data(contentsOf: fileUrl) else { return }
self.client.streamingRecognize(audioData: audioData, chunkSize: self.chunkSize, config: self.config, success: { (response) in
for result in response.results {
if !result.isPartial, let alternative = result.alternatives.first {
}) { (error) in