
An entity (a.k.a. a slot) appears in an utterance. It represents a value in an intent that can change between utterances or even be omitted entirely in some cases.

Many entity properties are language specific; see Multi-lingual models for details.


Entities can be defined using several formats: value_list, regular_expression, fst, or alias.


A simple list of allowable values.

value_list Properties

Property Required? Description Language-specific?
partial Optional If true, the list does not represent all possible values this entity is allowed to take, merely a subset of them. If false, the list is considered exact and the entity is not allowed to have values except for what is specified here. The default is false. No
values Required The list of allowable values. Value lists may reference other value lists, which has the net effect of creating a new entity with values appended to the original. To reference another entity, surround it with “${}”, e.g., ${baseEntityName}. Yes
value_map Optional Map of values to other expected values. This is useful when a conditional action or client command is expecting a specific value. The value on the left will be replaced by the value on the right for such purposes. Yes

value_list Example

format: value_list

partial: false

      - in
      - out


A regular expression will be used to define allowable values for this entity. The regular expression syntax is defined at https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax

regular_expression Properties

Property Required? Description Language-specific?
expression Required The regular expression Yes

regular_expression Example

format: regular_expression

# Language specific specification
    expression: (100|[0-9]{1,2})( percent| times)?


Uses a finite state transducer to model allowed entity values. The FST may be compiled into OpenFST’s binary format or be written in AT&T FSM text format. Either way, the symbol table must be embedded in the FST.

fst Properties

Property Required? Description Language-specific?
file Required The name of the file containing the fst. Yes
is_binary Required True if OpenFST binary, false if AT&T FSM text Yes

fst Example

format: fst

    file: example.fst
    is_binary: true