To synthesize speech for the user from a ReplyAction, the calling application may create a TTS stream. Bytes of audio data are sent on the stream from Diatheke until synthesis is complete, at which point the stream is closed. The generated audio data will be formatted and encoded based on the specific TTS model being used for the session (as defined in the Diatheke server config file).
The TTS stream is created using a ReplyAction.
// Create the TTS stream
stream, err := client.NewTTSStream(context.Background(), reply)
# Create the TTS stream
stream = client.new_tts_stream(reply)
// Create the TTS stream
Diatheke::TTSStream stream = client.newTTSStream(reply);
self.ttsStream = self.client.newTTSStream(replyAction: replyAction, dataChunkHandler: { (ttsAudio) in
// Add code here to read audio data from the stream and send it to the
// playback device.
}, completion: { (error) in
// Add code here to handle TTS errors and TTS streaming completion
Iterator<TTSAudio> ttsResp = mDiathekeBlockingService.streamTTS(reply);
The SDK includes some convenience functions to make it easier to handle the audio data sent on the TTS stream. These typically use a writer type with the TTS stream created earlier. Applications are more than welcome to instead use the stream methods directly to receive audio if these convenience functions do not meet their needs.
// Set up the audio ouput as an io.Writer
var audioOut io.Writer
// Play the reply uninterrupted
err = diatheke.WriteTTSAudio(stream, audioOut)
# The audio output should implement a write function, such as a
# file object or process pipe.
audioOut = getAudioOutput()
# Play the reply uninterrupted
diatheke.write_TTS_audio(stream, audioOut)
// Set up the audio output as a subclass of Diatheke::AudioWriter.
Diatheke::AudioWriter* audioOut;
// Play the reply uninterrupted
Diatheke::WriteTTSAudio(stream, audioOut);
After the stream is created, audio data is sent repeatedly from the server to the application as it becomes available, until synthesis is complete, at which point the stream is closed by the server. It is left up to the application to decide how best to consume the audio data, whether it sends it directly to an output device (e.g., speaker), saves it to a file, or forwards it to another stream.
for {
// Wait for the next audio chunk
audio, err := stream.ReceiveAudio()
if err == io.EOF {
// This indicates that synthesis is complete. No more
// audio will be coming.
# Pull messages from the stream as they come.
for data in stream:
# Play back the audio data.
// Wait for the next audio chunk
std::string buffer;
while (stream.receiveAudio(buffer)) {
// Play back the audio data.
// audioData can be used for gathering incoming TTS data chunks into one
// object to save it to file system or playback using AVFoundation.
var audioData: Data?
// Pull messages from the stream as they come
func handleReply(_ replyAction: Cobaltspeech_Diatheke_ReplyAction) {
self.audioData = Data()
self.ttsStream = self.client.newTTSStream(replyAction: replyAction, dataChunkHandler: { (ttsAudio) in
if ! {
}, completion: { (error) in
if let error = error {
print("TTS error received: \(error)")
} else if let audioData = self.audioData {
// Play the full audio data using AVFoundation or other ways
self.playAudio(data: audioData)
private void requestAudio(ReplyAction reply) ByteArrayOutputStream {
// Make a request to the server for TTS audio
Iterator<TTSAudio> ttsResp = mDiathekeBlockingService.streamTTS(reply);
// Collect the audio into a single array
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
while (ttsResp.hasNext()) {
return os;